Squashed Ducks & Steel
I like complex, interesting, and historically important food. You might call me a foodie. You might also be wondering what that has to do...

Saving Snapped Statues
Hello Progressive Bronze blog readers! It’s been some time since the last update, but we’ve been keeping busy. In this post I’m going to...

Revitalizing Treasured Family Heirlooms: Menorahs
I know what you’re thinking. A holiday post? In retort, I will say that December is a bad time to start thinking about having your...

Putting the Cherry back in Chariot
At Progressive Bronze, we have a lot of capabilities, and a lot of experience dealing with unique jobs. That is why we don’t like to say...

Custom Manufacturing Roundup
Happy almost Thanksgiving, everyone! In this post, I’d like to highlight some of Progressive Bronze’s custom manufacturing projects and...

Eyes on the Prize(s)
We recently had the opportunity to refinish a number of sports trophies from St. Viator, a nearby Catholic school. There is some serious...

Fixing Up a Fireplace Fender
Here in Chicago, we are preparing for Thanksgiving and hope you are as well. Today I’d like to highlight a fireplace fender we recently...

Recent Refinishing Roundup
I thought I’d highlight some recent refinishing jobs that maybe don’t warrant their own posts, but are interesting none the less. This...

I Think That Lamp is Hiding Something
I think it’s safe to say that I love old lamps. And the lamp a customer recently brought in is a doozy. This lamp is old. We’re not...

Bronze Letters, deAurora Style
We were contacted by the deAurora Showroom about refinishing cast bronze letters that make up their logo. Their color scheme has changed,...